Time, it is a topic on everyone's mind. Every minute, every second is valuable and thus should not be wasted.
In todays' society, we are constantly on the move, trying to beat time. Moving from one place to other, multitasking to the point we are doing 4 or even 8 things at once. We wonder and worry constantly, even to the point where we don't even realise it ourself.
Friday, was the day that I actually stopped and how most people would put it 'smell the roses'.
I was early to a social event and decide to walk around instead of waiting and consuming myself in work and what the media has to say. As I walked around, I got to see the city in a different perspective, a perspective in which I had completely forgotten. For the first time, in a very long time I had realised the finer detail of the buildings around the CBD. I got to see people running around, like ants, not seeing and appreciating the simplicity of what the city has to offer.
We constantly hear that it is good to just stop and take a breath, but it Sometimes we just need to actually stop, close our eyes and absorb the atmosphere around us.
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